Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation: Law and Practice

Author: ML Singhal

Publisher: Eastern Book Company

Edition: 2025

Price: Rs 1,488.- (Hardback)


-Alternate means of dispute resolution are gaining ground quickly, given the enormous backlog of cases that bog India's courts. Arbitration, conciliation, and mediation are the most common and effective alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms of dispute resolution, which are speedy and efficacious.


-The present commentary on Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation: Law and Practice comprehensively elucidates the law relating to arbitration, conciliation, and mediation in India as it stands today. It is a section-wise commentary of the two principal Acts. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the Mediation Act, 2023.


-This book shall be found indispensable by arbitrators, mediators, the Judiciary, advocates, law firms, in house counsel, industry and all others who need a reliable, thorough and comprehensive source for the entire law of arbitration, conciliation and mediation.


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